Ayurvedic Treatment

The below points cover the various considerations for treatment:

1. The Five Element Points: treating marmas directly related to the Five Elements.

2. The Parent-Child concept: Treatment of humors conducted via needling set of points which reflect the vitiated humor, i.e., a deficiency of energy in the Earth element can be increased by treating its parent element Fire

3. The five flow points: Well, Spring, Stream, River, Sea (as described in table above). 

Vata can be treated via the well points of vata related channels, pitta by the spring points of pitta channels and kapha by the Sea points of kapha channels. In theory, as all channels connect in a loop and any two related channels’ Well points can be needled to treat a vitiated humor – however in practice, the corresponding channels may offer a faster and more effective alternative.

4. Timing: As per the bio-energy clock detailed on page 11, consideration to the time of day/night regarding the imbalance should also be factored into treatment. The dosha’s optimal reaction time for treatment is during the period they are most at risk of imbalance (as per the Pranic Mandala). An element in excess should be treated just prior to the organ’s energy peak of pranic energy. Deficiency on the other hand, is best treated directly after the peak of pranic energy.

5. Bridge (connector) marmas: Points which connect between hollow and solid organ channels to allow prana to travel between one channel and the next in line. i.e., Vata in arm consists of lung and large intestine channels, linked together by a connecting marma located in each of these two channels. This enhances the therapeutic value of treatment. See previous page for location illustration.

6. Source marmas: Marmas where prana tends to be retained in the channel and forms a ‘base’. These points reinforce therapeutic effect by balancing energy in the channel or organ which is unbalanced. See previous page for location illustration.

bridge marmas

*Stream points of the Five Elements in the solid organ channels.




Ether (inward – controlling effect)

Wind (upward movement)

Fire (Digestive process)

Water (Diffusion / distribution process)

Earth (downward movement / stability)





Prana Vayu

Organ – located in the brain, has directing effect on the other Vatas, and so involved in most diseases.

Channel – H/SI

Marmas – Well

Udana Vayu

Organ – in lung (chest and throat), controls speech and exhalation.

Channel – L/L.I.

Marmas – Well

Samana Vayu

Organ – small intestine, controls digestion.

Channel – S.I./H

Marmas – Well

Vyana Vayu

Organ – in heart and distributed throughout body. lubricates joints and muscles, controls movements (mainly in legs as kidney (water) is in lower part of trunk

Channel – 3D/P

Marmas – Well

Apana Vayu

Organ – in large intestines, controls elimination, urination, parturition, sec and menstruation.

Channel – L.I./L

Marmas – Well (arm) for L.I. & L

Well (leg) for K/B





Sadhaka Pitta

Organ – in the brain and the heart, control subtle intellect. Fantasies and reality become indistinguishable.

Channel – H/SI

Marmas – Spring

Alcochaka Pitta

Organ – affects eyes/vision

Channel – L/L.I.

Marmas – Spring

Pachaka Pitta

Organ – located in small intestine, aids circulation, regulates body temp and assists in digestion

Channel – S.I./H

Marmas – Spring

Bhrajaka Pitta

Organ – on skin, maintains skin’s pigmentation, control warmth and light into body.

Channel – 3D/P

Marmas – Spring

Ranjaka Pitta

Organ- in small intestine, stomach, liver, and spleen. Gives colour and texture to related secretions (bile/stolls/urine etc.)

Channel – S/St

Marmas: Spring







Tarpaka Kapha

Organ – brain and heart, but also lubricates to provide mental stability and correct memory recollection.

Channel – H/SI

Marmas – Sea

Bodhaka Kapha

Organ – in the mouth/tongue affecting sense of taste (lack of taste), respiratory system.

Channel – L/L.I.

Marmas – Sea

Kledaka Kapha

Organ – in stomach, responsible for first stage of digestion

Channel – S.I./H

Marmas – Sea

Sleshaka Kapha

Organ- Kid/bladder, Tridosha & Pericardium. In the synovial fluid of joints causing joint looseness and heaviness

Channel – 3D/P

Marmas – Sea (arm joints) for 3D & P and Sea (leg joints) for K & B

Avalambaka Kapha

Organ – in lung and heart, gives correct lubrication to chest area. Most important form of kapha when treating a patient.

Channel – 3D/P

Marmas – Sea