Some Kind Words


‘We had been trying to get pregnant for four years. I had PCOS and my periods were non-existent, it was impossible for us to ever know when I was ovulating. After 4 treatments with Jen, my periods came back, and by the 8th treatment, I fell pregnant. Jen is an actual miracle worker and I’ve never felt more supported. I am eternally grateful to her.’
‘I had really painful sciatica, which flared up now and again over the years but had gotten worse. I sought Jen out after hearing about her through my yoga studio. Within one treatment, my sciatica pain had COMPLETELY GONE! I was gobsmacked. If you’re in pain, go see Jen!’ - Charlie, Bedford
‘I was so anxious to start IVF again after 2 failed rounds of treatment in the past. I’d never had acupuncture before, but Jen was recommended to me through a friend so I figured I’d give it a go. Jen’s treatment not only ensured my IVF treatment was successful, but she grounded me in ways I never thought possible. She is the MOST understanding, calming and wise woman I have ever met.'
‘Jen helped my mum with her menopause symptoms and she has never been better! The combination of marma therapy, her teas and herbs helped mum get back in control of her life. Mum no longer suffers with her menopause, but still goes to see Jen even now just because she loves her and the treatments so much!’
‘I was suffering from terrible postpartum depression. Jen helped me through it when I was at my absolute lowest point and gave me a bespoke plan that got me out of my hole and into a positive place with motherhood. I really think I’d still be in that hole without her! Thank you Jen!’
Milton Keynes
I first went to Jen because I was feeling out of sorts. I couldn’t pinpoint the cause and once I started talking, I realised that my body was was dealing with more than I realised and it was having a bigger impact on my mental health than I probably was prepared to admit.
Jen has a really calming and nurturing approach, which make my sessions extremely relaxing. Once we have caught up on what has been going on with my life, Jen will tailor the session to what is needed. We have worked on a number of areas to do with my health; everything from my poor sleep, skin issue, no appetite and low iron. All areas have improved or cleared and I feel healthier and stronger, my mental health has also improved.
Jen has also helped my with not keeping grief held in. And a sport’s injury. I went to Jen as she had been recommended to me, I had not tried marmapuncture therapy before, but I had previously had positive experiences with acupuncture. I find Marmapuncture and Jen a lot more relaxing than any acupuncture sessions. Jen is very good at explaining what she is doing and has a true passion for what she is doing and I would recommend her to anyone.
Milton Keynes
“I would recommend Marmapuncture as an essential investment in your overall mental and physical health, being open minded and trying this has made my journey easier, less stressful and much more positive.”
Wendy East
“Eye opening and inspiring. With Jen’s help, I feel like I have got back on track to optimum health and I have never felt better”
Milton Keynes
‘Such a natural, beautiful and powerful healer’
simi godagama
“Jen is an intuitive, understanding, focused and nurturing Marmapuncturist. I feel completely at ease in her company, and her knowledge and empathy are astounding”
Sarah ainsworth